Saturday, July 28, 2007

I'm a Type "A"

Ok, some of you are saying "You just figured this out!". Very funny. I'm not referring to the personality type here. Although I have been told that I am a control freak at times but I had a good teacher and sometimes that is ok when you are pushing to give your very best. What I am talking about is blood type. I donated blood last week when we had the bloodmobile come to Journey. I haven't been able to this for a while due to some international travel in countries where there is a malaria risk. I think it took longer for them to look up the countries than it did to give blood.

That is not entirely true. I tried a new donation type. It's called a double red. Is that right Ed? or is that just the nickname? In this process they take your blood, separate out the red blood cells from the plasma and give you back the plasma with some saline. They are able to take 2 units of red cells during a single donation time. That is pretty cool. I do admit, the saline feels weird going back in. It was cool. I don't know why it was cool but it was.

All that to say, if you can, give blood. It can help save a life.

San Diego Blood Bank
American Red Cross


Becky said...

I'm glad there's people like you who can donate blood. I would just faint and feel dizzy for a few days after. I think it sounds weird how they put the stuff back in your system. Anyway, good job.

Kara said...

Do you have to be part of the tech team to participate in comments? Although it will be really hard to compete with all of Becky's!

Becky said...

Thanks, Kara!
I'd like to think of myself as an A+ commenter on all blogs I read.

Kara said...

I know I am all about comments!