Monday, October 15, 2007


I tried to take a series of picture to make a panoramic. I still need more practice, but here is what I came up with.
This was taken from the front of the stage.

Here is a view from my hotel room. I'm trying to figure out why the rooftops of some of the buildings are green. I guess they could be any color, most of the time they are white to reflect the sun and keep them cool. I see that the hotel has a putting green and some plants for decoration so it got me to thinking that maybe it is to help offset all the concrete and steel to make you think there is grass there. I'm going to try to find out why, I'll keep you posted.


Heather Hammond said...

Wow, the arena looks huge. Did you say it's a soccer arena?

Jim said...

Yes, it is a soccer (football - as Adrian points out to me) field. It looked really nice before they laid down the terraplast (plastic stuff to protect the grass so people can walk on it).